Oct 12, 2023

Realtors Can Market Too!

Marketing Tips for Realtors provided by Chris Johnston.

Is MLS Enough?

There are about 1.6 million active Realtors in the United States.

Let that sink in.

As a realtor, you used to be able to count on your friends to hire you to represent them in a home buying/selling situation. Now each of your friends likely knows a dozen realtors.

That makes you a needle in a haystack. How are you going to get noticed?

For the past 2 years, I've had the opportunity to manage social media for a local realtor. We tried everything to get traction: Videos, quizzes, polls, 'special interest articles'. We got decent results, but when I would do my monthly reporting, there was really only one type of post that had the furthest reach and best engagement. Are you ready to hear what it is?

It's going to shock you.

Real estate-related posts. That's the secret. Keep it to real estate. I'm talking 75% - 80% real estate. We tried flashy videos, stories and reels and what worked best? You guessed it --> pictures of nice houses with a link for more information. So back to the basics we went.

For the other 20 - 25% sprinkle in some house humor, facts and impromptu videos of you showing off a listing. Think of topics that resonate with people.

Don't forget that Social Media is a two-way street. Every time you comment on something or like a post somebody will see your name. That's why it's important to

One more point about social media - join LinkedIn and have a page for yourself and your real estate company. LinkedIn is underutilized so there is less posting traffic that you have to battle. Keep it a little more serious on LinkedIn. Show off a little when you make a sale. LinkedIn users like to read about success.

Join a Chamber of Commerce or local service organization. Your potential clients want to see your name out there. They are about to invest a lot of money and responsibility in you. Show them that you are committed to bettering your own neighborhood.

That's enough for now! Go forth and conquer!!